Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"I'm Thinking of Joining the Military..."

This is a question I'm asked all too often. Volumes of friends and strangers alike have bombarded me with question after question about what the military has to offer, what it's like, if it's worth it, etc. And rightfully so, I might add--if someone wants information about something, they should go to someone who knows about it. But when I respond to these interrogatives, I usually throw them a novel of knowledge they really need to digest before making any decision about service. This is because something like the military is no small ordeal and needs to be afforded every consideration before joining.

So, you're thinking of joining the military, hmm? "What a noble choice!", "You're so brave!", "Good for you!" is what everyone who doesn't know what the military is like is going to tell you if you inform them of your interest in serving. However, I'd wager that the majority--say, maybe 6 or 7 out of 10 people our age serving right now--will tell you the same thing, "It's not all that great, don't do it if you don't have to."

I would be flat out lying if I said I disagree.